On learning Spanish: “I really need to learn my language. I practice, but I can understand it better than I can speak it. At first I did [think you needed to speak it to be a real Latina] but then I started to see all these people that accepted me regardless of the fact that I didn’t speak it.”
On what she’s looking for in a guy: “You never really know when you’re in love at this age. I don’t know what love is. I would like someone who is not cool and who is really fun to be around and loves family and has good morals.”
On her absolute best friend: “My cousin Priscilla is as close to a sister as I’m going to get. She’s going to be my Maid of Honor when I get married, and I’m going to be hers. I have really good friends in the business and really good friends that are not in the business. I think it’s healthy to have people you relate to and then people who don’t care about blogging and all of the celebrity crap.”
On being proud on not being blonde and blue-eyed: “When I was younger I would say, ‘I wish I were blond and blue-eyed’ because that’s all I saw on TV and because that’s all I would see, that’s all that I thought was beautiful. I know that young girls get that feeling, because I had that feeling. I wouldn’t want any other girl to have that feeling. And if they want to be a singer or an actress or a teacher—I feel like they shouldn’t think that they have to look a certain way.”
On not feeling her age: “I’m 18, but I feel like I’m still 15. I feel very young at heart, and I still want to jump up and down on my bed singing and rocking out.”